Finding the Extraordinary to Fill Church Callings

Finding the Extraordinary to Fill Church Callings

Imagine if you sat on the board of directors for a large Fortune 500 company that needed to find a new CEO to improve the dismal progress of the company. You are not allowed to conduct any formal interviews. You can only choose from people that live in a specific geographical neighborhood (about 350 people). To top it off, you have to make your decision in only 2 weeks.

Where to Start When Members Doubt | An Interview With Thomas Wirthlin McConkie

Where to Start When Members Doubt | An Interview With Thomas Wirthlin McConkie

Thomas Wirthlin McConkie may have the most “Mormon” name in all of Zion. 🙂 That doesn’t mean his story is a typical Mormon story. Thomas has recently released a helpful book called Navigating Mormon Faith Crisis: A Simple Development Map. This would be an excellent read for a leader in the Church who is seeking further understanding of those in the midst of a faith crisis. You can also find helpful resources at

Finding a Place for Single & Bearded Men | How I Lead and Host a Popular Mormon Podcast

Finding a Place for Single & Bearded Men | How I Lead and Host a Popular Mormon Podcast

Al Doan and Geoff Openshaw are the hosts of the very popular This Week in Mormons Podcast. I listen to their podcast weekly and they tend to make me laugh while they give me the run down of Mormon happenings. I encourage you to subscribe to the episode and you will find it entertaining.

Get Out of the Way After You Delegate

Get Out of the Way After You Delegate

President Harry S. Truman had a small wooden sign on his desk that stated “THE BUCK STOPS HERE”. His desk displayed this sign throughout his administration. It’s a good motto — a motto all leaders should follow. Many interpret this motto not only as a reason to take responsibility of all things that happen in your jurisdiction, but to also hold a death grip on all details. Delegation becomes impossible. Oversight is required. The leader maintains control. This interpretation is the birth of a micro-manager—and nobody likes a micro-manager.

4 Out of the Box Approaches to LDS Church Meetings | Guest Post by Chance Mikos

4 Out of the Box Approaches to LDS Church Meetings | Guest Post by Chance Mikos

Most of us reading this website have meetings, lots and lots of meetings. Sometimes meetings to plan a meeting. Over my 20+ years in LDS Church leadership, I have spent 100’s of hours sitting in meetings. The first thing I’d mention is meetings are necessary; however, meetings aren’t the gospel.

Streamlining the Callings Process with | An interview with Cassie Woolley

Streamlining the Callings Process with | An interview with Cassie Woolley

Calling management can be a distracting task for a presidency that is striving to connected individually with members of their ward. It’s an administrative task that must be done while also giving special thought to whom should fill which calling.

How the Primary Presidency Can Win the Hearts of Children | An Interview with Tyler Howe

How the Primary Presidency Can Win the Hearts of Children | An Interview with Tyler Howe

Tyler Howe is principal of the Neil Armstrong Academy in West Valley City, Utah. He graduated from BYU in Elementary Education and then later went on to earn a masters degree at Southern Utah University. He is a strong latter-day saint and has years of experience educating young children. He was recently recognized as the recipient of the Granite School District Excel Award for his outstanding success as an elementary school principal.

How to Administer When You Love to Minister | An Interview With Derek Cullimore

How to Administer When You Love to Minister | An Interview With Derek Cullimore

Derek Cullimore is from Orem, Utah. Served a full-time mission in New Jersey, USA. I know him very well because we served in a bishopric together, he was my bishop when I served as high priest group leader, and then I was later called to replace him as bishop when he was put in the stake presidency. He has always been a fantastic mentor to me and taught me many things that have shaped my leadership style.

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