A Question for an Apostle | How I Lead: Trent Lee

A Question for an Apostle | How I Lead: Trent Lee

In this episode we hear from Trent Lee in Las Vegas, Nevada. He has rich experience as an instructor, teaching Gospel Doctrine, early morning seminary, ward mission leader, and currently serves on his stake’s high council.

We start off the interview by sharing both of our personal experiences of with Elder Oaks and how that influenced us as leaders.

Trent’s Leadership Principles:

What I learned from Elder Nash
Presidency meetings
Monthly home teaching PPI’s
How and what to report for home teaching numbers
Family mission plan

“Women at Church” | An Interview With Neylan McBaine

“Women at Church” | An Interview With Neylan McBaine

Neylan McBaine was born and raised in New York, New York. She is the founder of the Mormon Women Project and the author of the book Women at Church: Magnifying LDS Women’s Local Impact.

In this episode we discuss the ways local leaders in the Church can consider ways to bring more purpose to women in their wards and branches. It’s a fascinating discussion and it will bless the lives of all leaders that listen.

From Catholic to Bishop | How I Lead: Bishop Eric Shuster

From Catholic to Bishop | How I Lead: Bishop Eric Shuster

Eric Shuster is the author of 3 books, (1) Catholic Roots, Mormon Harvest (2) The Biblical Roots of Mormonism (3) Where Are the Christians? He currently serves as bishops in a small farming community in Taylor, Texas. He was raised devout Catholics, married a former nun, and joined the LDS Church 26 years ago.

In this episode Bishop Shuster briefly shares his conversion story and what inspired him to write books.

He also shares what his experience was like as a young elders quorum president and his progression through church leadership. He has a remarkable perspective of home teaching and how to organize assignments for your quorum.

We also discuss, bishop’s calendar organization, ward assignments, Family History Olympics, and avoiding the “same ten people”.

How I Lead in Spain | An Interview With Bishop Tony Batanero

How I Lead in Spain | An Interview With Bishop Tony Batanero

In this episode we head all the way over to El Puerto de Santa Maria and interview Bishop Tony Batanero. You will find this interview inspiring as we discuss his conversion to the gospel, his service as a full time missionary in Missouri and Canada. He shares his experience of losing his mother during his mission and how that impacted his testimony. He claims that the best calling in the Church is stake executive secretary. He served in that calling for 6 years and was then called in September of 2015 as the bishop of his ward.

Who Cares If You Are Not the Bishop? | Lead From the Bottom

Who Cares If You Are Not the Bishop? | Lead From the Bottom

We hear it all the time in sacrament meeting; the invitation, coming from the lectern, to “stand after your name is read.” This means members of your ward are getting a calling. Most callings that are extended to us require no leadership responsibilities.

Finding the Extraordinary to Fill Church Callings

Finding the Extraordinary to Fill Church Callings

Imagine if you sat on the board of directors for a large Fortune 500 company that needed to find a new CEO to improve the dismal progress of the company. You are not allowed to conduct any formal interviews. You can only choose from people that live in a specific geographical neighborhood (about 350 people). To top it off, you have to make your decision in only 2 weeks.

Finding a Place for Single & Bearded Men | How I Lead and Host a Popular Mormon Podcast

Finding a Place for Single & Bearded Men | How I Lead and Host a Popular Mormon Podcast

Al Doan and Geoff Openshaw are the hosts of the very popular This Week in Mormons Podcast. I listen to their podcast weekly and they tend to make me laugh while they give me the run down of Mormon happenings. I encourage you to subscribe to the episode and you will find it entertaining.

Innovating Home Teaching | Thoughts From Clay Christensen & James Quigley

Innovating Home Teaching | Thoughts From Clay Christensen & James Quigley

Great inspiration comes to those that listen to genius. Great minds challenge one to think deeper about the problem in front of them. One of those geniuses is Clayton Christensen. Not only is he a Harvard Business Professor and famous author he is also a Latter-day Saint and former Area Seventy. I enjoy listening to him solve business and leadership problems because it makes me wonder if his answers would be similar if asked to solve similar LDS leadership problems.

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