Neylan McBaine was born and raised in New York, New York. She is the founder of the Latter-day Saint Women Project (formerly Mormon Women Project) and the author of Women at Church: Magnifying LDS Women’s Local Impact. In this episode we discuss the ways local leaders in the Church can consider ways to bring more purpose to women in their wards and branches. It’s a fascinating discussion and it will bless the lives of all leaders that listen.

Neylan McBaine


Women at Church: Magnifying LDS Women’s Local Impact
The First Fifty Years of Relief Society: Key Documents in Latter-day Saint Women’s History
A Reason for Faith: Navigating LDS Doctrine and Church History
Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter
Latter-day Saint Women Project
Friend Article: “When I Grow Up … I Want to Be an Architect”
Ensign Article: “Progression into Relief Society”
Sunday School Supplements for Women
Neylan’s Blog

How do we help leaders

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