Please consider contributing to Leading Saints to help us in the coming year. See details HERE. What are the most popular podcast episodes from Leading Saints? Listen to this short episode for clips from 2021’s ten most-downloaded podcasts from Leading Saints.

  1. Jamee Adams & Jody Streurer – Speak Up, Sister!
  2. Ryan Gottfredson – Success Mindsets
  3. Andrea Lystrup – When Church is a Burden
  4. Jennifer Reeder – Women Leaders in Church History
  5. Ryan Gottfredson – The Research Behind Becoming Christlike
  6. Mark Mathews – Understanding Priesthood Keys in Leadership
  7. DeAnna Murphy – Creating Engagement Through Ministering Interviews
  8. Michael Goodman – The Doctrine Related to Being Single or Married
  9. Steve Shields – Helping Individuals Heal Through Therapy
  10. Bruce Chang – How I Lead in a Mission Presidency

Honorable Mention: Gary Miller – From Baptist Preacher to Latter-day Saint Wow! Talk about some great interviews! Make sure you listen to each one (twice!) And we can’t step away from the podcast statistics without looking at the overall statistics. Here are the 10 most downloaded episodes of all-time.

  1. Rob Ferrell
  2. John Hilton III
  3. Barbara Morgan Gardner
  4. David Butler
  5. Jason Hunt
  6. Tony Overbay
  7. Kurt Francom (never heard of him)
  8. Group of SSA Women
  9. The Power of Stillness Authors
  10. DeAnna Murphy

Another list of episodes that would be worth your time. Here’s to even more fantastic interviews in 2022. Read the TRANSCRIPT of this podcast.

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