The Book of Mormon DNA Debate | An Interview With Ugo Perego

The Book of Mormon DNA Debate | An Interview With Ugo Perego

From time to time church leaders will counsel with someone in their flock that has concerns and confusion related to how science relates to the Book of Mormon; more specifically how DNA relates to the people talked about in the Book of Mormon.

It would be beneficial for all leaders to listen to this podcast interview and also review the links below. This will help leaders to have more confidence when counseling with someone that is having a faith struggle because of a scientific perspectives.

Dr. Ugo Perego is currently Director of the Rome Italy LDS Institute. He is a Population Geneticist and has consulted with the LDS Church related to the Book of Mormon and DNA. He contributed to the research mentioned in the Church’s Essay about this topic. Dr. Perego is also a bishop in Rome, Italy.

What Every Leader Can Learn from King Mosiah

What Every Leader Can Learn from King Mosiah

We have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of almost all men, as soon as they get a little authority, as they suppose, they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion.

—Joseph Smith, D&C 121:39

In the history of the world, we’re hard-pressed to find more George Washington’s. That’s part of why he’s so revered and even deified. He could have taken a lot more power after the war, like Bonaparte and Cromwell. He didn’t. Not only did he not amass power to himself, but he even rejected consolidating too much power in the office of POTUS. The most enduring example of this is probably his refusal to put himself up for re-election for a third term. It set a precedent that was honored for well over a century afterward, and then made law in the 22nd Amendment in 1947.

How I Lead the LDS Young Women in Sao Paulo, Brazil | Interview with Neal & KaLee Mortensen

How I Lead the LDS Young Women in Sao Paulo, Brazil | Interview with Neal & KaLee Mortensen

This was a fun interview! I had the chance to chat with Kalee and Neal Mortensen, both Arizona natives, who have been living in São Paulo, Brazil for the last 2 years. They have had a unique experience as newly weds in a foreign country while also attending a familiar church. Neal, who served his mission in Brazil, has served as ward clerk and is currently in the bishopric. Kalee is the Young Women president and has learned Portuguese since she has been there.

As we learn about their leadership experience we also learn about the status of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Brazil and how their culture influences the day-to-day life of a Latter-day Saint in Brazil. We talk about some of the ramifications sensitive policy changes has had in Brazil, what apps are helpful for Brazilian leadership, and what it’s like speaking in stake conference in a 2nd language.

Listen in.

A Glimpse of Being a Bishop | Helping Bear Other’s Burdens

A Glimpse of Being a Bishop | Helping Bear Other’s Burdens

A few years ago a close friend was over at my house visiting with my wife (we will call her Ashley). As I entered the room Ashley said she wanted to tell us about a conversation she had with one of her longtime friends. Ashley’s friend called the day before to let her know she experiences same-sex attraction. They had a good talk about the gospel and what this means for her spiritual journey going forward. Ashley was touched that this person felt comfortable enough to share this information with her. Ashley said it was remarkable how much compassion she felt towards her friend because she cared about her so much.

Having a Game Plan for Sunday School | An Interview With Greg Trimble

Having a Game Plan for Sunday School | An Interview With Greg Trimble

Greg Trimble is a very popular blogger that produces great content around LDS culture (see Part of that content includes leadership articles, teaching articles, and some inspiring words for those serving full-time missions. I had the opportunity to interview him for the Leading Saints podcast about leadership and what inspires him to write about leadership. It turned out to be a great discussion and I look forward to sharing with you his perspectives about being a stake Sunday School president (spoiler alert: it’s more than ringing the bell).

6 Reasons LDS Youth Leaders Need Snapchat Accounts

6 Reasons LDS Youth Leaders Need Snapchat Accounts

Adult leaders probably feel pretty hip now that they have their own Facebook account. Sorry to tell you this, but that was totally last decade! Facebook has a problem, and they know it. The youth are bored with Facebook and many don’t even bother to check their feed regularly. Apps like Snapchat provide a more dynamic experience that appeals to the youth. So if you only have a Facebook account to stay in touch with your youth, it might be time to join the world of 2016.

The Power of Delayed Recognition

The Power of Delayed Recognition

Like any Mormon boy who was raised going to a church with an indoor gymnasium, I love playing basketball. It was one of the focuses of my teenage years and it taught me many life lessons. One of the great things about basketball is you can learn so much about the character and personality of individuals that are on the court. A manager would have an easier decision about whom to hire by watching them play a pick-up basketball game compared to a sit-down interview. The only problem is, this would require each person you interview to have fundamental basketball skills. Many would look like confused rodeo clowns if you pushed them onto the hardwood.

I digress…

A Journey of Conversion | How I Lead: President Sesily Lee, Relief Society

A Journey of Conversion | How I Lead: President Sesily Lee, Relief Society

Sesily Lee is an inspiring Relief Society president in Las Vegas, Nevada. If you are an avid listener to this podcast you might remember her husband, Trent Lee, when I interview him prior. It was a fantastic episode and this one might be a little better. 🙂

In this interview we hear Sesily’s engaging story of conversion as she grew up in a less-active home and had many influential people in her life that guided her to the gospel. She married in the temple and currently has a beautiful family as she serves as Relief Society president.


Her husband’s How I Lead interview

Elder Holland’s talk, “An High Priest of Good Things to Come”


Jack Christensen talk (link coming soon)

From US Senator to Mormon | An Interview with Senator Larry Pressler

From US Senator to Mormon | An Interview with Senator Larry Pressler

In this podcast, we talk to a 3 Term Senator that just became a Mormon.

Senator Larry Pressler from South Dakota, Retired. He was baptized in April 2016.

While Senator Harry Reid helped him along the path, he first read part of the Book of Mormon in a Marriott. He served with many in senate and house that were Mormon and has had a lot of feelings and run-ins with members along the way. It’s been a 30 year journey.

Senator Pressler confirmed that Harry Reid has a stack of Books of Mormon to give out in his office, he openly talks about the church.

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