Mental Illness & the Bishop’s Office

Mental Illness & the Bishop’s Office

Jeff Case is a clinical psychologist, former elders quorum president, return missionary, and gay Mormon. In this interview we primarily focus on the basics a ward leader need to understand about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), depression, personality disorders, suicide, and other mental illnesses. It’s a fascinating discussion with best practices of how to help these individuals find a place in the walls of the church and really feel apart of the ward.

We take a few minutes at the end of the episode to discuss what life is like being a gay, married (to a woman), active Mormon.

Listen in.

3 Tips For Bishoprics That Lead to Better Sacrament Meeting Speakers

3 Tips For Bishoprics That Lead to Better Sacrament Meeting Speakers

Great sacrament meetings services start with great planning. The ward council (which includes the bishopric) suggests themes and speakers. The bishopric confirms the topics and invites the members to speak. How that invitation to speak is extended and how bishoprics follow up are critical. How we prepare someone to speak in sacrament meeting should be commensurate with the sacredness of the meeting.

May I share some practical tips I’ve learned about inviting sacrament speakers through my own good and bad experiences?

4 Fixes to a Lackluster Sunday School Program

4 Fixes to a Lackluster Sunday School Program

Recently I was reminded of Elder Holland’s April 1998 General Conference talk titled “A Teacher Come From God”. It is a talk that was given soon after President Hinckley expressed that each member of the Church needs a friend, a responsibility, and nourishment by the good word of God. I took the time to listen to the talk, which led to me reading the talk, which led to me reading the talk again. It’s an Elder Holland classic, but what talk of his isn’t an Elder Holland classic?

As I read this talk I was captivated by his phrasing, including, “Are we really nurturing our [members] in a way that will sustain them when the stresses of life appear? Or are we giving them a kind of theological Twinkie—spiritually empty calaries?”

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