Steve Willis has served in many leadership capacities in the church including Bishop, Branch President, Stake Presidency, and is currently serving as a Young Men’s President.

One aspect that he teaches is how to focus on vital behaviors and how to achieve specific outcomes.  Whether you are a bishop looking to improve your ward’s mission plan or a youth leader trying to increase attendance, focusing on the techniques outlined can help you magnify your calling.

In this interview we find some valuable take-aways such as:

  • Finding the vital behaviors-the most effective actions that lead to our desired results (not all activities are created equally.)
  • When we zero in on vital behaviors, it creates focus and we realize what needs to be done to influence someone to engage in the behavior we’re looking for.
  • How to get sensitives topics out-if you can’t talk about it, you can’t fix it!
  • There must be a balance between being direct and candid, and showing love.  This is done by establishing mutual purpose and respect.

How do we help leaders

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