Like any Mormon boy who was raised going to a church with an indoor gymnasium, I love playing basketball. It was one of the focuses of my teenage years and it taught me many life lessons. One of the great things about basketball is you can learn so much about the character and personality of individuals that are on the court. A manager would have an easier decision about whom to hire by watching them play a pick-up basketball game compared to a sit-down interview. The only problem is, this would require each person you interview to have fundamental basketball skills. Many would look like confused rodeo clowns if you pushed them onto the hardwood.
Sesily Lee is an inspiring Relief Society president in Las Vegas, Nevada. If you are an avid listener to this podcast you might remember her husband, Trent Lee, when I interview him prior. It was a fantastic episode and this one might be a little better. 🙂
In this interview we hear Sesily’s engaging story of conversion as she grew up in a less-active home and had many influential people in her life that guided her to the gospel. She married in the temple and currently has a beautiful family as she serves as Relief Society president.
Her husband’s How I Lead interview
Elder Holland’s talk, “An High Priest of Good Things to Come”
Jeff Case is a clinical psychologist, former elders quorum president, return missionary, and gay Mormon. In this interview we primarily focus on the basics a ward leader need to understand about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), depression, personality disorders, suicide, and other mental illnesses. It’s a fascinating discussion with best practices of how to help these individuals find a place in the walls of the church and really feel apart of the ward.
We take a few minutes at the end of the episode to discuss what life is like being a gay, married (to a woman), active Mormon.
Dan Clark is an award winning motivational speaker and best selling author. He has traveled to 59 countries in the world motivating the masses to create a life of significance. He has also served as a Young Single Adult (YSA) bishop (twice). I first came across Dan’s speaking ability when I listened to his BYU Devotional. It inspired me to be a better leader in the Church and it inspired me to get him on the podcast as soon as possible. After a few miraculous encounters, I was able to meet Dan and he willingly agreed to sit down with me for an interview.
This is definitely one of the top 3 interviews I have done on Leading Saints and I am excited to share it with you. We discuss his young football career at the University of Utah, how he became a motivational speaker, his time teaching public speaking at BYU, how he was called as a YSA bishop, what he learned from that calling, how to run a linger-longer, how to increase the rate of marriage in a YSA ward, how to increase the quality of teaching in a ward, the power of stories and how to record them, and other basic guidance for public speaking in church.
I first came across Bishop Bumbaugh’s name when I read his article called, What Happened When I Quit Home Teaching. I thought it was a fantastic story and I was pleased to see he was serving as a bishop in Huntsville, Texas. I reached out to Bishop Bumbaugh and he agreed to do an interview with me and talk about how he leads.
In this episode we discuss his conversion to the Church and what guided him to a career teaching high school German. He’s shares with us how he was called to be the bishop and how accepting the call was a very difficult decision to make.
He also shares how he has led best by serving, thinking outside the box, and focusing on the little things.
Scott Hall lives in Taylorsville, Utah and was recently released as bishop after a call to serve in a stake presidency (with my brother). He is a successful real estate agent and is supported by a wonderful wife and 6 children. We talked about his few years serving as bishop and most importantly, how to stay awake in church when everyone is watching you.
He talks highly of the examples he has had in his life and the many leadership lessons they have taught him.
5 Leadership Principles:
Stop Trying to Fix It
Personal Worthiness
Example (Father, Husband)
Learning the Names of Members
My Wife
How to Remember Names
Interview with Chad Francom
Local LDS leaders are always striving to help single members of the Church feel comfortable in their wards. Each individuals situation is so different that it is difficult to know exactly how to support them.
I wanted to gather a group of single LDS members in a room and discuss their experience with being single in their ward. We talk about the stigma of eternal marriage, the doctrine of sealings, the impact children face, how leaders can help them maintain worthiness, and how to show support when they decide to start dating again.
The individuals on this panel interviews include Liz, Brooks, and Brian and Laura Hales.
In this episode we hear from Trent Lee in Las Vegas, Nevada. He has rich experience as an instructor, teaching Gospel Doctrine, early morning seminary, ward mission leader, and currently serves on his stake’s high council.
We start off the interview by sharing both of our personal experiences of with Elder Oaks and how that influenced us as leaders.
Trent’s Leadership Principles:
What I learned from Elder Nash
Presidency meetings
Monthly home teaching PPI’s
How and what to report for home teaching numbers
Family mission plan
Brigham Rupp is a full-time seminary teacher in Gilbert, Arizona. He’s served as elders quorum counselor, executive secretary, stake Sunday School, and currently serves as bishop. He served a mission in Chicago, Illinois and share many of his scriptural thoughts at The Silver Grey.
In this episode we discuss how he decided to become a seminary teacher and how he was later called as bishop. We also talk about how he handles spiritual thoughts in ward council, being reactive verse proactive, and how to improve one’s ability to teach.
Neylan McBaine was born and raised in New York, New York. She is the founder of the Mormon Women Project and the author of the book Women at Church: Magnifying LDS Women’s Local Impact.
In this episode we discuss the ways local leaders in the Church can consider ways to bring more purpose to women in their wards and branches. It’s a fascinating discussion and it will bless the lives of all leaders that listen.