I’ve heard a handful of individuals make the observation that those who leave organized religion are able to replace most of the benefits that religion has to offer; however, rarely are they able to replace the type of community they find in religious traditions.

This is true.

Speaking in the Latter-day Saint context we have a great thing going for us.

We have a routine gathering once a week that fosters community connection.

If someone has a baby, we bury them with casseroles.

If someone is suffering with bedrest, it’s not shocking to see someone else mowing their lawn.

We even assign you a friend (whether you like it or not).

Church community is pretty cool and is a huge benefit of being a Latter-day Saint.

However, in the context of what someone loses by walking away from organized religion, I hate the fact that community is the main loss someone experiences.

Now, don’t get me wrong.

If you have been reading my messages for a while you know that I’m a big advocate for community.

Whether I am sitting on the stand as a leader or lost in the pews as a congregant, I am always trying to encourage community in whatever ward I am in.

But should it be the biggest thing people miss when they leave our faith tradition?

It’s like saying, Nike has mediocre shoes, but their shoeboxes are amazing!

This often-stated opinion of religious community should shout in the minds of church leaders because of what is NOT at the top of the list of losses.

So, what should outrank community in faith?

Community with Christ.

As we have mastered gathering people around our community, we have failed to gather people around Jesus.

When someone walks away from the Church, how is it that the gaping hole isn’t about their loss of relationship with Jesus Christ?

Now, I am willing to have the debate as to whether those who leave our faith tradition can’t find a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ in another Christian denomination.

Yes, other Christian faiths have a lot to offer in the realm of relationship with Christ, but the reality is, most who walk away from our church seem to abandon Christianity altogether.

I also don’t have a clear answer of how we can get community with Christ to outrank church community, but is there a more worthy problem to address through whatever priesthood keys and revelation you lead under?

What would your ward look like if the experience with Jesus outranked the community of friends?

People can regret leaving a faith with great people, but what if they were encouraged to stay put because of the relationship with the Redeemer?

Your ward may be awesome.

Your people may be unified.

But are you offering Jesus more than you are offering community?


Kurt Francom
Executive Director
Leading Saints

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