Jordan Romans served in the Australia Brisbane mission and graduated from BYU with a BA in English. He holds an MBA in Marketing from the University of Phoenix and is the founder and managing director of JLR Creative & Consulting, with 15+ years in sales, marketing, training, and management roles in the medical and aesthetic sales industry. He is currently serving as a bishop in the Beaver Creek Ward in Apex, North Carolina, right by the Raleigh Temple. His previous church callings include bishopric counselor, elders quorum president, Young Men president, ward mission leader, executive assistant, Primary Worker, and Gospel Doctrine instructor. Jordan is married to Melissa Romans and they have four children.


5:10 Remembering his first Sunday as bishop and the recognition that what he said could be taken as “the gospel truth” by those he counseled 8:45 Advice from his dad: You’re not going to solve anybody’s problems. The Savior will do that. Principles of Leadership 1. The Lord’s forgiveness is essentially immediate (10:00)

  • 12:00 If we can believe it, then the repentance process is easier, more effective, and longer-lasting; Forgiveness is freely offered and we must bring the sincerity
  • 14:20 Christ is not interested in punishment, but in progression

2. Leaders should do more to build bridges outside the ward community (14:50)

  • Minister friend at a local Methodist Church
  • 16:25 Youth cookie bake service project with the youth from both congregations
  • 18:00 Podcast discussion about the rededication of the Raleigh Temple
  • 19:25 People in the South are open and willing to invite others to church
  • 22:50 The stake’s annual Community Leaders Luncheon for civic and community leaders

3. Callings are Rarely about Efficiency or Proficiency (27:50)

  • We just have to be willing to serve
  • 31:25 As a bishop, his dad once called a Sunday School teacher who was not a member; “The Lord wasn’t interested in his proficiency. He was interested in Brother Barnes.”
  • 33:35 Prompting to call a sister as Young Womens president who wasn’t baptized yet
  • 39:25 Going down the list and looking for the least-likely candidate

41:15 Recognizing how involved Christ is in the bishop’s service; recognizing that others can lead while you lead


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