Six months ago I found myself sitting in a stake meeting with other members of bishoprics. One counselor from a neighboring ward shared a spiritual thought and quoted a man by the name of Sterling W. Sill. Not only was the quote he shared inspiring but I was also shocked I had never heard of Elder Sill before. 

Upon returning home a quick Google search gave basic information that you would find on any past general authority from the 70’s–return missionary, married a saint, former bishop of ten years (kudos to him), assistant to the 12, quorum of the 70 (emeritus 1978). The one highlight that set him apart from his other general authority colleagues was the amount of books he had written–47 books to be exact, and the majority of them focused around leadership principles.

One gem I stumbled upon was a clip of one of his addresses to the Brigham Young University student body. It states everything Leading Saints is all about. The only problem in the world is leadership, the only problem in your ward or quorum is leadership. If we figure out how to solve that problem the rest will fall into place.

Give a listen. (you can download the mp3 HERE)

3 volumes on Leadership

Sterling-Sill-Leadership-BooksFor Christmas my wife surprised me with Elder Sill’s 3 book set on leadership. The inside front panel describes volume 1 as follows: “This book fills a great need among those who are acting in some capacity of leadership, and who wish to enhance the effectiveness of their calling.” I couldn’t have put it better myself.

The 3 volumes are written in a Chicken Soup for the Soul format–short stories and lessons focused around leadership. Read one chapter a week and you will be done with all 52 chapters in a year.

As I make my way through these books, I’ll be sharing various quotes and insights through social media using the hash tag #SillLeadership

How do we help leaders

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