The website has an entire section dedicated to addressing pornography. There are subsections for individuals, spouses, parents, and leaders. Included in these sections are many short videos, which are also available now on YouTube. We have collected them here for easy reference and sharing. They are divided across seven pages to make page loading easier for the viewer.

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How to Make an Effective Plan to Overcome Pornography
How to Regain a Sense of Self-Worth When Overcoming Pornography
Escaping the Shame and Secrecy of Pornography Use through Honesty
How Can Faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ Help Me Overcome Pornography?
Recovering from Pornography Use
Setting Goals to Overcome Pornography
Opening Up about a Pornography Problem
How Can Being Accountable Help Me Overcome Pornography?
Getting Help to Overcome Pornography Use
Being Honest after Slipping with Pornography Use
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How to Make an Effective Plan to Overcome Pornography

Creating an effective plan to overcome pornography helps individuals to recover. It’s helpful to plan how we’ll respond to a temptation or a trigger before it happens. Once we make a plan, it’s important to practice so that we’re prepared. As part of this plan, it’s helpful to look at our whole identity and understand ourselves.

How to Regain a Sense of Self-Worth When Overcoming Pornography

As we work to overcome pornography use, it’s vital that we regain a sense of self-worth. Struggling with pornography can make us feel worthless, embarrassed, and ashamed. We may feel like our unhealthy and sinful behavior defines us and that there is no way out. However, we are children of God with infinite worth. It’s important to separate our behavior from our worth. Even though we may have made a negative choice to use porn, we still have worth and we can still choose to overcome our problem.

Escaping the Shame and Secrecy of Pornography Use through Honesty

Shame, secrecy, and isolation can make it difficult to overcome a pornography problem. This shame and secrecy can lead us to lie to ourselves and others about the severity of our problem. As we are honest about the negative and positive parts of ourselves, we can see ourselves as human beings with worth and potential. Being honest about our feelings can help us address them appropriately and avoid pornography use.

How Can Faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ Help Me Overcome Pornography?

We can find the strength and hope we need to overcome pornography by turning to our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Through Jesus Christ and His Atonement, we can be made whole again. Part of the plan of salvation includes encountering opposition and temptation. Faith is a principle of action and power. Turning to God in faith can help strength us.

Recovering from Pornography Use

An important part of recovering from porn usage and finding recovery is understanding ourselves biologically, psychologically, socially, and spiritually. Different aspects in these areas can influence our behavior and our emotions. Being self-aware and understanding ourselves can help us make plans to deal with stressors and overcome pornography.

Setting Goals to Overcome Pornography

Anyone with a challenge—whether it is a challenge with pornography or a challenge with something else—benefits from admitting that the challenge exists. After we admit that we have a challenge with pornography, we can set goals to move forward. It’s important to think about the change you would like to see in yourself and to then identify the steps needed. The power of the Holy Ghost can teach us how to overcome our struggles.

Opening Up about a Pornography Problem

Opening up to others and getting the right help makes all the difference when overcoming a porn problem. Talking to someone else can help us escape the secrecy and isloation that leads us back to pornography. There is freedom in being honest and opening up to others.

How Can Being Accountable Help Me Overcome Pornography?

When seeking to overcome a pornography problem, we should build accountability for our actions. Being honest and open about our feelings, actions, and struggles helps us escape the secrecy and isolation of pornography. As we become more honest with God, our spouses, and our support people, we become more accountable and able to change. By opening up, we can allow others to help us.

Getting Help to Overcome Pornography Use

Pornography problems are often more difficult to overcome if we try to do it on our own. Getting help from trusted friends, family members, therapists, and support groups can help us find our own recovery. It can be scary to open up to others about this problem, but when we do, we can find support, help, and guidance. As we are honest with ourselves and others, we can rely on Jesus Christ to help us overcome this problem.

Being Honest after Slipping with Pornography Use

It’s common to slip up in the process of overcoming pornography. When we slip up and use pornography, it’s important that we are open and honest about our mistake. Telling our support person about our slip can help us move forward and avoid relapse.
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