Jeff Case is a clinical psychologist, former elders quorum president, return missionary, and gay Mormon. In this interview we primarily focus on the basics a ward leader need to understand about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), depression, personality disorders, suicide, and other mental illnesses. It’s a fascinating discussion with best practices of how to help these individuals find a place in the walls of the church and really feel apart of the ward.
We take a few minutes at the end of the episode to discuss what life is like being a gay, married (to a woman), active Mormon.
I had the opportunity to attend the Utah Coalition Against Pornography Conference in February where I met the owners of Router Limits, a hardware company looking to help families control content coming into their home. Their stuff is cutting edge and they are experts in the field. I set up a time to visit their Layton, Utah office and interview their CEO, Skylar Walker.
In this interview Skylar gives bishops and families a few tips to do a tech audit on their home at no expense. I’ve posted some screen shots below that give you a visual of how to protect devices from negative content.
Neylan McBaine was born and raised in New York, New York. She is the founder of the Mormon Women Project and the author of the book Women at Church: Magnifying LDS Women’s Local Impact.
In this episode we discuss the ways local leaders in the Church can consider ways to bring more purpose to women in their wards and branches. It’s a fascinating discussion and it will bless the lives of all leaders that listen.
In this interview I sit down again with Liz Wiseman who has been such a wonderful resource for Leading Saints and I truly consider her a great friend and mentor.
Liz recently spoke at a BYU Forum and spoke wonderfully about the power of rookie smarts and how what one knows can be a disadvantage to a growing leader. She discusses how learning how to learn is more important than the content of what one is learning.
She also shares some rich stories of what she learned from Lee Perry (Dean of BYU School of Business, and son of L. Tom Perry), when she was a student at BYU, why her husband was recently called to a bishopric, and how to focus on being a hungry, and humble leader.
There’s a lot of information here and it is definitely worth a thorough listen.
In this episodes we continue the conversation with leaders from North Star as we focus on Brigit Pack’s story of finding peace and faith in her home and in her Church. Her spouse was born Ryan, but now prefer the name Ann. Ann is a transgender Mormon and Brigit tells her story of how leaders are working on finding a place for Ann in their LDS ward.
It’s an inspiring discussion that will definitely help other leaders understand available resources and where to start in loving transgender members of their ward.
In this episode we meet again with member of North Star, a non-profit organization that is a faith-affirming resource for Latter-day Saints addressing sexual orientation or gender identity, and who desire to live in harmony with the teachings of Jesus Christ and the doctrines and values of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
On March 17-19, North Star is having a conference in Provo, Utah. A portion of that conference will be dedicated to helping Church leaders understand this delicate subject. We hope this episode gives you a clear understanding of why all leaders should attend this fantastic conference.
Bishop Brandon Leavitt was called as bishop 8 months ago, and has grown greatly. He is from Logandale, Nevada (close to Las Vegas) and works in the road construction industry.
You may recognize Chris Allen’s name because he was the author of the previous post called Encouraging Young Men to Lead. Again, Chris Allen is a Young Men President in Sandy, Utah. He works for a local blood laboratory and enjoys being with his family when he isn’t mountain biking. He has years of experience in the Young Men program and shares a fascinating approach to helping young men become leaders in his ward.
After Chris wrote that awesome article I asked him to stick around and let me interview him to learn his tactics for leading the Young Men program. What came to the surface was fascinating. Below you will find his keys to leadership, but we also discuss his interesting approach to biannual visits and how that has helped him build trust with the young men in his ward. He also shared the importance of boarders and transitions.
I was sitting in one of those 7:00-am-and-I’m-way-too-tired-to-be-here priesthood training meetings, listening to the stake president teach. I was struggling to pay attention until a single phrase focused my thoughts and brought the promptings of the spirit on me like floodwater bursting over a levee. The stake president said, “If a young man has to come to you at the start of Priesthood meeting to find out what the plan for the upcoming mutual activity is, you’re not doing your job right.” This simple phrase changed the way I lead my young men.
I’ve been serving in the YM program pretty much continually since I turned twelve, whether formally or informally and my leadership of young men has changed dramatically over the years. I used to try leading them from the front of the room where I could speak and teach and share my wisdom and knowledge in a strong and authoritative manner. As my understanding of young men and their needs has matured, I now lead from the back of the room.