Originally from Idaho Falls, Idaho, Cory Omanson served a mission in Santa Maria, Brazil, graduated with a degree in accounting from Idaho State University, and lived in Boise, Idaho before settling in Pocatello, Idaho working as the CFO of a local credit union. The...
Chris Robison is a software architect living in Lehi, UT. He’s married with four children and currently serves as a Sunday School teacher for the 11-14 year-olds. He’s previous served as a Sunday School president, in an elders quorum presidency, as Primary chorister,...
Podcast: Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe Email | RSS | MoreMax Hall is a former quarterback for Brigham Young University and played in the National Football League for the Arizona Cardinals and in the Canadian Football League for the Winnipeg Blue...
Katie Davis graduated with a bachelor’s degree from Brigham Young University in Family Studies. She and her husband Matt have two toddlers and live on a hobby farm in South Carolina. They are passionate about helping individuals and couples heal from the effects of...
Jenny Parnell Willmore lives in Logan, Utah, USA with her husband James. They have four children and two grandchildren. She currently serves as Relief Society president and has taught everything from nursery to Gospel Doctrine. She has a Master of Second Language...
Cory Shirts works as a software engineer in the metro Detroit area. He served a mission to Frankfurt Germany, later studying at the University of Utah, graduating with a Bachelors degree in Computer Engineering and a Bachelors in German. A student of leadership, he...
Podcast: Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe Email | RSS | MoreThis is a rebroadcast. The episode originally ran in December 2019. Jason Coombs is a Utah native and lives in the Boise, Idaho, area with his wife and 7-year-old twins. They own a chain of...
Ryan Snarr grew up in Layton, UT. He is a life-long church meeting doodler. He fulfilled a calling as a full-time missionary in the Lima Perú South, and later was called to serve as a musical missionary in the then Mormon Tabernacle Choir (now Tabernacle Choir on...
Tommie Farrell currently serves as 1st Counselor in the Abilene Texas Stake. He has served as ward mission leader, elders quorum president, and bishop. Favorite callings of his past have been primary teacher, temple ordinance worker in the Lubbock Texas Temple, and as...
Podcast: Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe Email | RSS | MoreThis is Part 2 of a 2-part conversation. Listen to Part 1 here. Katherine Herrmann lists all things Apple, new wave/alternative music, and fantasy/science fiction among her fandoms. She works as...