How to save a meeting that has gone to false doctrine – Part 2

How to Save a Meeting That Has Gone to False Doctrine – Part 1

We have all been in a meeting where Brother I-say-something-outrageous-every-opportunity-I-get starts to make his way up to the podium during fast and testimony meeting. You can see the whole bishopric fidget in unison. Everyone in the room knows this is not going to go well. Or what about when you are sitting in Elder’s Quorum and the teacher begins with, “The lesson in the manual looks very interesting but I think it would be more worth our time to consider why Cain has become Bigfoot.” If you are the leader presiding in this meeting you can feel every eye on you saying, “Will you please do something before our ears are tortured for the next 45 minutes?!?!”

Being a Leader, No Matter the Calling

Being a Leader, No Matter the Calling

When I felt it was important to start Leading Saints one thing that entered into my mind was, what do I do when I am not serving in a leadership calling? Will there be things to address? First off, I don’t want to make this blog about me and my calling, but...

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