Have you ever tried to small talk before extending a calling? I would not recommend it. When an individual receives a phone call from an executive secretary saying, “Would you be available to meet with the Bishop/Stake President on Sunday?”, suddenly that person gets tunnel vision. Nothing else matters in their life until they figure out what that priesthood authority wants. So when you start out an interview to extend a call with, “So how’s your family doing?” you may get a very, very short answer.

Step One: Get to the point

“Hello Sister Nucallin, thanks for coming in. I am excited to tell you we are releasing you as Door Greeter South and calling you as Door Greeter North. Before I give you more details is this a calling you feel like you can accept?”

Step Two: Give them details

“Thanks for accepting, Sister. This calling will require you to be at church 20 minutes early, bring your smile, and make sure everyone has a meeting program as they enter. If you have any further questions of what you will be responsible for, please talk to Sister Potluck since she is the Activities Committee Leader and is over this calling.”

Step Three: Tell them when change will happen

“Sacrament will start in an hour and we will be presenting your name for a sustaining vote. Do you have any other questions?”

Now let’s be honest, extending a calling doesn’t require a step-by-step guide but it seems every person I have received a calling from has their own style. Some work well but others keep you wondering. Please share what works best for you in the comments.

This talk about extending callings also opens up an opportunity to address the Law of Common Consent. During anyone’s time in the church they will find themselves in a sacrament meeting when a sustaining vote is called. People raise their hand in unison without giving thought to what they are actually doing. Read more about it HERE.

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