Why Church Leaders Need to Understand the Difference Between Guilt & Shame

Why Church Leaders Need to Understand the Difference Between Guilt & Shame

Sam Tielemans is a licensed marriage and family therapist in Las Vegas, Nevada. He specializes in the area of addiction and shame, and he works with clients to overcome negative beliefs about themselves in order to find relief and happiness. He knows firsthand the...
The Root Cause for Why Members Leave the Church & What Leaders Can Do About It

The Root Cause for Why Members Leave the Church & What Leaders Can Do About It

During a recent Sunday School lesson, I heard a former bishop state, “What bishop hasn’t had to deal with a member thinking about or actually leaving the Church?” Whether that represents reality or not, I am not sure, but according to the Pew Research Center, the...
6 Things I Wish Bishops Knew About Addiction | Guest Post by Steven Shields (Recovering Addict)

6 Things I Wish Bishops Knew About Addiction | Guest Post by Steven Shields (Recovering Addict)

Editor’s Note: This article is written from the perspective of an individual who is male; therefore, masculine pronouns are used. We recognize that females can struggle with sexual addiction as well. This is one person’s perspective as an addict and this...
Want to Make Leadership in the Church Easier? Engage Those You Lead | Guest Post by Ryan Gottfredson

Want to Make Leadership in the Church Easier? Engage Those You Lead | Guest Post by Ryan Gottfredson

According to Gallup, managers account for 70% of the variance in their direct report’s engagement (emotional attachment to their job and organization, which is characterized by their vigor, dedication, and absorption within their roles). This suggests that if...

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