Amy is a full-time employee, a full-time family member, and a part time case manager/patient advocate. Her family includes her husband, a tween-aged daughter, and a kindergarten daughter. Amy’s focus has recently been co-producing an environment for her oldest...
John Hilton III, is an Associate Professor of Ancient Scripture at Brigham Young University. John’s book, The Founder of our Peace, describes several approaches for following Christ’s teachings and feeling greater peace. One of these approaches concerns fence laws. ...
There are a variety of qualities one might think a “good bishop” should possesses. Enduring faith, abiding patience, abundant charity, a commitment to nurture and strengthen God’s kingdom are just a few to consider. However, in a recent interview with Kurt Francom,...
When we are first called to a new position at Church, we may experience a variety of emotions, insights, and concerns. At times we may have had some inclination that the call was coming; however, we rarely feel fully ready to step into this new area of service. I must...
Caren McLane has a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Community Health Education from BYU. She met her husband, Todd, her freshman year while at BYU. They are the parents of 5 children and live on a 4 acre “hobby farm” with chickens, cows, and dogs. She volunteers at...
Bryan Hughes has studied toxic leadership traits, their conducive conditions, and how organizations can foster recovery after the removal of the toxic leader. As a researcher, consultant, and speaker, he has sought to provide clarity on this often-complicated...
James Olson lives in, BC, Canada. Since returning to Canada with his family after 15 years spread between Alberta, Utah, and Arizona, he has been serving exclusively with the youth as a Young Men’s President and then as a counsellor in the bishopric for past few...
Caren McLane has a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Community Health Education from BYU. She met her husband, Todd, her freshman year while at BYU. They are the parents of 5 children and live on a 4 acre “hobby farm” with chickens, cows, and dogs. She volunteers at...
David Frey lives in Friendswood, Texas. He has held callings as a Primary teacher, Seminary teacher, Aaronic Priesthood Quorum Advisor, Young Men’s President, Elders Quorum President, High Priests Group Leader, Bishopric Counselor and member of the High Counsel. Enter...
In my previous articles “Give Life a Chance,” part one and part two, I wrote about lessons learned and lived through our experience of losing our son to suicide. I shared research, summaries, and ideas that our son wrote through his journal entries. This final part is...