Dr. Hank Smith has taught seminary, institute, and now teaches at Brigham Young University. He is a regular speaker at religious programs, corporate training events, school assemblies, and educational conferences. He is a master teacher and in this episode, he shares with us some of his secrets and tactics that we can all apply to improve our teaching. This interview was originally part of the Leading Saints Teaching Saints Virtual Summit. Transcription Available Below


4:45 Start with remembering why you are teaching: Genesis 44:34 How can we go back to Heavenly Father without these students? 7:00 Teaching is like art: There are fundamentals but otherwise everyone’s art is different. Get the fundamentals and then play to your strengths. 10:45 What to do when a discussion is not happening

  • Write out your questions beforehand
  • Add “Why do you think…?” when asking a question
  • Build-in the silence so it isn’t awkward
  • Let people know you’re going to ask them
  • Avoid the easy questions
  • Be authentic about wanting a discussion

18:30 Look at examples of the Savior teaching: John 4

  • Set them up to get their attention
  • Know your students and make it relevant to them
  • Bring up testimony at the right moment

25:30 More effective when teaching by a one-by-one ministry 29:20 Watch for moments to get to, rather than getting through material 30:30 Using gratitude and praise 33:45 Collect and use stories 38:25 Prepare until you’re excited 39:50 Mark 2: four people working together to carry a man to Jesus 42:45 How to share scriptures

  • Power in translating it into modern language, in word-for-word reading, and in summarizing
  • Ask: did you understand?
  • Read with enthusiasm and personality

47:45 There’s an ideal, but be okay with the real


Read the TRANSCRIPT of this podcast

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