Elaine Dalton was born and raised in Ogden, Utah, and received her bachelor’s degree in English from Brigham Young University. She served alongside her husband, Stephen, in a singles ward bishopric and in stake callings, then at the general level of the Church for ten years on the Young Women general board and as the first and second counselor of the Young Women general presidency. She was called as Young Women general president from 2008 to 2013. Elaine and Stephen are the parents of five sons and one daughter and the grandparents of 16 grandchildren.


4:00 Elaine introduces herself and tells about her background. 10:00 Getting called into the general Young Women presidency 14:00 Elaine’s experience calling counselors. 17:00 Advice for Young Women’s Presidents and how they can help the young women the most.

  • Help them know their worth and true identity
  • The power of prayer

22:00 Elaine shares special experiences that she has had serving. 28:40 From all her travels Elaine has learned that the only hope for the world is the gospel of Jesus Christ. 29:45 Thoughts on girls camp and getting away from the messages of the world. 34:00 Stories of speaking in General Conference. 36:20 Preparing a talk for General Conference 44:30 Dealing with friction between leaders and how to manage it. Remember that every “no” is one step closer to “yes”. 48:00 Kurt takes questions from the audience. Elaine talks about how she met her husband. 49:50 Elaine tells the story of when she got called to be the General Young Women’s President. 53:00 What do you do when you get released? Many find it more difficult to serve and find purpose after they are released from a calling.


Photo by Michelle Lehnardt for RubyGirl.org Read the TRANSCRIPT of this podcast Get 14-day access to the Core Leader Library

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