The Savior assured His disciples, “where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20). As our meetings evolve and, in many cases, become virtual, it is increasingly important that we remember the why and...
This book review, by Cory Shirts, is helpful if you find yourself stuck in your efforts to lead others, The book by Arbinger Institue, The Outward Mindset, explains how being stuck might look like fault finding, competition, feeling like you are working in a silo or...
The gospel of Jesus Christ is riddled with many great pairs of principles — sorrow and joy, faith and works, mercy and justice. Each principle is incomplete without an understanding of its counterpart. An imbalanced approach to the gospel can result in a well-intended...
Originally from West Valley City, UT, Mike Brady currently resides in Chubbuck, ID, adjacent to where his amazing wife Chelsie grew up. Together they have five children and have heard every “Brady Bunch” joke in the book. Mike has served in various capacities, but a...
Steven Madsen is an attorney who lives with his wife and son-on-the-way in the Washington, D.C. area. He has served in many church callings including seminary teacher; Elders Quorum president; gospel doctrine teacher; youth Sunday School teacher; ward choir director;...