Yohan Delton received his PHD in Applied Social Psychology with an emphasis in industrial organizational psychology.  He was born in France and served a mission in Louisiana.  He has spent a lot of time teaching, he taught at BYU as a graduate student, at the MTC teaching French, and has been teaching at BYU Idaho for 9 years.  He currently teaches the History of Psychology and Organizational Psychology.
In this episode Bro Delton shares his personal experiences as well as his knowledge in organizational psychology, and how it applies to leading in the church.
  • Story if working for the LDS church in Risk Management (13:30)
  • He started a company called the Burton Group, where he works hands on with students in South East Idaho, to get real world experience in Organizational Psychology (16:30)
    • The Burton Group was created to make the workplace human
    • They have found that mangers have a hard time interacting and motivating employees, and making a healthy workforce.  These environments are often too compulsive and mechanical or are too money or incentive driven.  They are missing the human component.
    • Employees often feel like they are in a machine, are a machine or treated as if they are a replaceable part.
    • The leader and member relationship becomes transactional
  • Common themes in programs and missions (16:59)
    • They are connected to people
    • Money is a means, it is never an end.
  • Companies that do things because of traditions (18:00)
    • Employees feel like they are a machine or a part
    • There are often more policies and procedures
    • Theere is little room for the employe to breath
    • In these circumstances employees are limited as to what they can do.  They very seldom do more than what is asked.
  • What can a leader to influence the human aspect of the church (23:00)
    • Ego hinders the work (25:00)
    • Remember the Lord gives blessings, not us (27:00)
    • Danger of seeing blessings as transactional
  • Eternal Rewards
    • Pavlov’s Primary Children (34:00)
    • Addressing the behavior not the heart
    • Great story about displacing the internal desire by awarding behavior
  • Appealing to the core (36:45)
    • Reaching out to others hearts is hard to do
    • Do we worship principles or use them to point to Christ?
    • Are we trying to create a machine?
    • People need to feel love.
  • When we are trying to serve and are we approaching them with the heart of Christ or our ego?  If we approach with our ego then we are wanting them to be more like us, not like him. (46:00)
  •  Home teaching is a Covenant, not a calling
    • In regards to home teaching perfection is not 100% of visits, perfection is an event when a home or visiting teacher visits a family and the Lord speaks through them (48:00)


Burton Group Drive Book, by Dan Pink Man’s Search for Meaningby Viktor Frankl Teaching, No Greater Call Manual Elder Holland’s Education Week 2016 Talk   Thanks to Buster Summerhays for writing up the summary to this interview. 

How do we help leaders

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