Let’s call it how it is…

I have the best job in the world.

Seriously, I wake up every day energized to get to work on Leading Saints, whether it is interviewing someone interesting about a leadership concept, writing a newsletter like this, or attending a conference where I get to learn more and meet even more fantastic people.

However, there are tough days at Leading Saints.

Sometimes the battle of the day-to-day is overwhelming.

I find myself questioning my efforts.

Maybe I am not fit for the task at hand.

I am taking on too much, and I don’t know how to ask for and receive more help from others.

How do I continue to fund this organization?

I don’t want to beg people for money.

Is Leading Saints making a difference?

My email inbox can fill up with others sharing frustrations about church leadership.

Many times, Church policies or programs are in place that I interpret as impeding a healthy church culture in our wards and communities.

The issues feel too daunting.

Nothing is changing.

Maybe I should quit “the best job in the world.”

Now, wait just a minute…

Please know that I am not sharing these words for hundreds of people to reply with words of validation and praise.

Don’t give up, Kurt! You’re making a huge difference.

I always appreciate those messages, but that’s not what I am looking for.

And also understand that I have no intention of quitting what I do or shutting down Leading Saints.

I handed this organization over to God long ago, so He is the one that will have to make that call.

However, what I do want to communicate is the struggle that many of you go through as well.

You’re working to make your church community a better place where people can come and find redemption, acceptance, love, healing, encouragement, and, of course, Jesus.

No matter how hard you try, even with influential callings, nothing seems to be moving the needle.

I want you to know you are not the only one that faces these bad days.

We are all in this together.

In these tough moments, when I feel depressed and powerless, I remind myself (or God reminds me) of the powerful principle of shrink and expand.

Maybe step back from the daunting task (shrink), and jump into what you can change (expand).

I may not be able to change the negative church culture across the world (shrink), but I can change the life of someone in my community (expand).

This causes me to take a breather from the online world of podcast content, YouTube discussion, and social media posts in order to refocus on being present with my son.

Or instead of trying to shift leadership thought through a silly newsletter, I can take more time in elders quorum to sit by a man, offer him brotherhood, and invite him and others over to my house to watch a guy movie later that week.

I’ll be honest: when I sit down and see that the Leading Saints podcast has reached 17,524,665 downloads, I feel a surge of fulfillment.

There’s encouragement there that maybe Leading Saints is stomping out negative church culture around the world by inspiring more prepared leaders.

However, I can feel that same fulfillment when I surrender that task to God and turn my efforts toward the community I live in.

Take a break from changing the world, and change your community.


Kurt Francom
Executive Director
Leading Saints

P.S. This is an older newsletter message. Get the up-to-date message weekly by subscribing for free HERE. Discuss this message with the Leading Saints community HERE.

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