Todd Olson, LCSW, CSAT, is a counselor and co-founder of LifeStar, who has been treating unwanted sexual behavior for over 30 years. Steven Shields, CHMC (2020), runs the website and podcast Unashamed Unafraid, with the goal of bringing hope and community to those in recovery through sharing authentic and vulnerable addiction recovery stories. The LifeStar Salt Lake Clinic is partnering with Leading Saints to host live events to help Latter-day Saints be better prepared to lead those who struggle with pornography and sexual addiction. This will be an ongoing opportunity, available a few times a month, that you can attend in person or view online. Professional counselors will help guide individuals through the complexities of pornography and sexual addiction so that we are all better prepared to lead those in our lives who need the support. ***REGISTER NOW FOR THE NEXT LEADING SAINTS LIVE WITH LIFESTAR***


07:00 Todd’s journey treating sexual addictions and how it has changed over 30 years 11:50 Steve’s journey and how he got involved with LifeStar 14:50 LifeStar’s programs 16:20 The purpose LifeStar and Leading Saints have in creating this educational discussion series for lay church leaders 19:30 What’s going on behind the scenes when someone comes to their church leader with a sexual addiction problem: minimal discussion and disclosure leads to temporary relief but a continuing problem 24:30 The disclosure process takes time and professional help 27:45 The bishop’s role is a part of the recovery, not the healer, and education about their role is needed 30:30 Helping young men who are preparing to serve missions 33:30 The bishop doesn’t need to do the hard part but can be the hope and spiritual resource 35:30 Creating a dialogue with therapists and recovering addicts so that leaders can know what they should do and how they should approach the problem 38:55 Handling betrayal trauma with the spouse 41:00 ARP is a 12-step support group, not an an addiction recovery program 44:40 Discussions will be recorded and streamed online, and topics will be repeated to keep the learning going 47:30 We are all volunteers and not expected to know everything, and this will be the Cliff Notes to becoming a resource for those without hope 49:00 Working with counselors 50:30 Men will resist going to support groups and counselors 51:40 Dealing with trauma in the bishop’s office


LifeStar Unashamed Unafraid Go to and register to receive information about the Leading Saints live discussions with LifeStar “The Atonement Works for Me”: One Couple’s Recovery from Sexual Addiction 6 Things I Wish Bishops Knew About Addiction Steve Shields was also interviewed as part of the Liberating Saints Virtual Summit, which is available in the Core Leader library. For access, become a Core Leader.

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