President Rychen Jones is an elder’s quorum president in Salem, Oregon. At the time of this interview he had served for 9 months. Listen to this interview in order to hear how he approaches his weekly quorum meeting to make it focused and enjoyable for those in attendance.

President Jones’ 5 Leadership Principles

1. Great counselors who I trust completely
2. Find, beg for (if necessary) and call great quorum instructors (who do people respond to?)
3. Have a purpose for every lesson and activity (can it be readily identified by a stranger?)
4. Allow room for the spirit to work (ponder teachers for a specific lesson)
5. Never ever feel bound by “traditions” of how things have been done in the past. Periodically ask “why are we doing this? Is it necessary? Is it helping?”

Links 7 Unbreakable Rules of a Church Meeting

How do we help leaders

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