Norman Hill worked for ExxonMobil for 25 years and then for Reliant Energy as the vice president of Human Resources. He served as the mission president of the Ghana Accra Mission, temporarily including the Sierra Leone Freetown Mission, and is the author of What They Don’t Teach You at the MTC.


5:00 What methods have been shown to be successful with online missionaries 7:30 Missionaries can start with their interests and find ways to share those with others 8:00 Norm shares several case studies of missionaries who are sharing naturally by getting involved with others who share interests, including cooking demonstrations, sports groups, Rubix cubes speed solvers groups, etc. Opportunities to share will come naturally. 21:30 Opportunities to develop friendships online can lead to natural questions 23:45 Missionaries can pass off the people they are teaching online to missionaries in the area they live in and remain part of the process online 30:30 Self-reliance classes and English language classes lift the people and open up natural opportunities to share the gospel 36:10 Reverse dinner appointments: the ingenuity of missionaries


What They Don’t Teach You at the MTC Problem Solving Together to Lift and Improve | An Interview with Norman Hill Read the TRANSCRIPT of this podcast Note: This transcript was machine-produced. We would be grateful for help correcting errors. You can help! Simply copy/paste the transcript text into a document, make the corrections, and then copy/paste the corrected text into a comment on the page (below) and we will get the corrected text published!

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