Chris Staggs was so kind to sit in the interviewer chair and ask me some questions. With more than 20 How I Lead interviews on Leading Saints I thought it was time to open up personally and talk more specifically about how I lead as a bishop, why I started Leading Saints, and what I see in the future for this organization.
How I Lead and Manage Leading Saints | An Interview With Kurt Francom
by Leading Saints | May 17, 2015 | Bishops, Elders Quorum, How I lead, Interviews, Podcast Episodes, Relief Society | 2 comments

Hi Bishop
This is a great site for LDS leaders and I certainly learned something from this first podcast and look forward to listening to more. I’ve already marked the ones I want to listen to when I have the time. As the HPGL in the Peckham ward in London UK I feel inadequate at times because I’m still relatively young in the church only 15 years. There are older more experienced brethren in my ward but I just rely on the guidance of the spirit to get me through. Thank you again for this great site.
Thank you for your comment. I hope you find the resource helpful as you strive to be a remarkable leader.