Thomas McConkie is the founder of Lower Lights School of Wisdom and has a passion for the world’s Wisdom traditions. Raised in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, at age 18 he discovered meditation, which remains a wellspring of inspiration over 20 years later. Thomas is trained as a developmental researcher, facilitator, and mindfulness teacher. He hosts the Lower Lights Sangha in Salt Lake City, Utah, with the intention of supporting seekers of diverse faith orientations to become all they are meant to become.

Thomas Wirthlin McConkie


5:40 Transformations of Faith: participating willingly in the process of becoming as Christ is

7:30 Talking and listening is relationship and our relationship with God can also reach a level of profound intimacy

9:40 Our lives are moving at a frenetic pace and we have an opportunity to make space for stillness, opening up to connection and to the blessings God has waiting for us

15:00 Presence: the Kingdom of Heaven is among us and the more we open ourselves up, the more we understand that there are no ordinary moments

17:45 Why we need to practice being present in our lives: example of being in the grocery line

21:20 The more we connect with ourselves, the more we realize that all we are doing is offering our state of being to others: our quality of being is our service

24:35 Defining presence: being fully present in the body with both the physical, emotions, and thoughts

  • Part of being present is forgiving the conditions of life: Thy will be done

31:00 Metaphor of digestion

33:00 Experience with a coworker who explained his environment to explain any loss of presence

35:10 Fakeness: I’m overwhelmed and I don’t know how to be more present so I’m going to fake it

  • Recognizing this in others

37:30 Stillness isn’t about quiet but about being fully human

40:00 Connecting this to the first principles and ordinances

41:10 Repentance and creating space

  • Making space for the suffering of others is a first step toward healing
  • Helping someone begin a practice of mindfulness as a step toward repentance
  • Divine confidence: presence is a divine attribute
  • Getting out of the way so the Atonement can work in us

50:40 The pain of others resonates in us, and a commitment to practicing kindness within ourselves helps with the overwhelm

  • The more committed we are, the more people realize they can be themselves with us
  • Recognizing the pain body in others

58:45 Awareness that we are often defended against God: Can we notice the ways we keep the light out as a defense against the uncomfortable?

Where to Start When Members Doubt | An Interview With Thomas Wirthlin McConkie
Read the TRANSCRIPT of this podcast

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