The website has an entire section dedicated to addressing pornography. There are subsections for individuals, spouses, parents, and leaders. Included in these sections are many short videos, which are also available now on YouTube. We have collected them here for easy reference and sharing. They are divided across seven pages to make page loading easier for the viewer.

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Safeguarding Your Children from Pornography
How Do I Help My Child after Discovering Pornography Use?
Why is My Child Interested in Pornography?
What Is the Diffference between Shame and Guilt with Pornography?
Teach Your Children What to Do When They See Pornography
Talking to Children about Sexuality and Pornography
How Can I Protect My Child from Pornography?
Teaching Age-Appropriate Sexuality
How Do I Respond When My Child Has Viewed Pornography?
How to Protect Your Home from Pornography
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Safeguarding Your Children from Pornography

Because we live in an electronic world, it it imporant to safeguard your children from pornography. It is vital for parents to set standards, add filters and time limits for electronic media, and teach children about their divine identity and the plan of salvation. When children understand why their parents set standards and limits, they are more likely to make righteous choices.

How Do I Help My Child after Discovering Pornography Use?

It can feel uncomfortable to approach your child after you have discovered that he or she is using pornography. First and foremost, always let your children know that you love them, and then listen. Give your children regular opportunities to open up about their life and media management to you. Both you and they will make mistakes in the process, but don’t be afraid to speak up.

Why is My Child Interested in Pornography?

People start or continue to use pornography for many reasons, but pornography use often starts out of curiosity. Teens who feel depressed may use pornography and get a small dopamine high that temporarily makes them feel better. Parents who have a strong relationship with their children are often able to discuss underlying challenges that may lead their children to pornography use. Our children are under tremendous pressure, and we must make time at home to talk about the gospel and important topics like sexuality.

What Is the Difference between Shame and Guilt with Pornography?

What is the difference between shame and guilt with pornography? When you feel shame, you may think that you’re a bad person and that you need to hide your mistakes. When you feel guilt, you feel bad for mistakes you’ve made, but you know who you are and what your values are, and you see an opportunity to change and be better. It is so important to remove shame from the conversation when your child has viewed pornography. Don’t shame the sexual feelings, but rather explain that they are what God intended. Help your child to feel your love and see the light that comes from repentance.

Teach Your Children What to Do When They See Pornography

To avoid pornography use in the home, it is essential for parents to teach their children about healthy sexuality. Children who understand their divine nature and who are aware that healthy sexuality always requires human connection will be less likely to use pornography. Talk openly with your children so that they know they can come to you when they encounter pornography and they won’t be shamed for their curiousity. Pray about these conversations and how you can display healthy affection in your home.

Talking to Children about Sexuality and Pornography

Parents should take control of the discussion of healthy sexuality with their children because the reality is that children will see pornography at some point. If parents take initiative and discuss healthy sexuality early and often, they take away the secrecy surrounding sexuality. In turn, this mitigates curiosity. While these discussions may awaken some curiosity in children, they will be able to turn to the support and love of their family as they learn.

How Can I Protect My Child from Pornography?

Parents can protect their children from pornography by teaching doctrine, focusing on the Plan of Salvation, and making their home centered on the Spirit. Parents should understand that they can receive revelation for how to protect and strengthen their families. And when children learn the importance of keeping promises, they will be better at keeping their covenants. Empower your children with the knowledge of their divine identity and an appreciation of Heavenly Father’s beautiful plan for them.

Teaching Age-Appropriate Sexuality

To foster healthy sexuality, parents need to teach progressive, developmental facts over multiple conversations. If you have these conversations with your children when they are young, they will come to trust you and will come to you when they see sexualized images. Be fully engaged, and do not shy away from talking about sexuality with your children. Consider your own experiences with sexuality when you were younger, and think of ways you can address questions like those you had at the time.

How Do I Respond When My Child Has Viewed Pornography?

When you discover your child has viewed pornography, be calm and provide unconditional love. Your child is already hurting and aching and just needs someone to talk to. Kids may initially want to run and hide, but you can remind them of the freedom that can be found with opening up and partaking of the Savior’s Atonement. Be gentle, meek, and loving as you extend your love and teach the doctrine of Christ.

How to Protect Your Home from Pornography

Protect your home from porn. When you set rules about media usage in your home, be sure to involve your children in the process. Also consider teaching your children the principle and skill of self-control so that they know how to limit themselves when they’re on their own. As you create a positive family atmosphere through prayer, scripture study, family home evening, and Sabbath-day observance, you will be keeping the Spirit with your family as a protection against pornography.
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