The 30-Minute Bishopric Meeting

The 30-Minute Bishopric Meeting

Bishoprics are notorious for long meetings. Unfortunately, two- to three-hour bishopric meetings have become the norm for our leadership culture and many assume that is just part of the gig. Plus, even though long meetings can be draining, they also fill your brain...
Get the Gospel Working for You

Get the Gospel Working for You

Recently the Church published a fantastic resource found in the Gospel Library to help individuals in a faith struggle, Seeking Answers to Questions and Helping Others with Questions. There’s a lot of great advice and direction there and I would encourage you to spend...
Dropping Initials and Tradition

Dropping Initials and Tradition

Soon after Elder Patrick Kearon’s call to the Quorum of the Twelve, I came across an old Church News announcement from when Elder Kearon was called as a stake president. I was surprised to see that he was listed with two middle names: Robert David. So why haven’t we...
Is God Disappointed in Me?

Is God Disappointed in Me?

Whoa. I did it. I just published a book. I won’t tell you how long it took me to write, but let’s just say that I talked about my 5-year-old son in chapter one and he is now 9 years old. I kept at it because I believe so deeply in the message. Some might see the title...
Time, Talents, & Everything

Time, Talents, & Everything

In the temple, we covenant to the Law of Consecration, which means dedicating our time, talents, and everything with which the Lord has blessed us to building up Jesus Christ’s church on the earth. What does this look like in real life? Is it just the time we give to...
Are Leaders “The Chosen One”?

Are Leaders “The Chosen One”?

“The Lord’s anointed.” This is a term you hear from time to time related to church leaders. This is a powerful framing of church leaders, but what does it actually mean? Or better yet, how does the perceived meaning of “The Lord’s Anointed” influence church culture in...

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