Kristi Bennett is a part-time cosmetologist, full-time mother and lifelong member of the Church who lives by the motto, “I will make everything around me beautiful.” She lives in North Carolina with her husband, David, and their three young children. She is striving...
Susan Spear, holds a B.S. in Food Science, a M.S. in Nutrition and a MH- as a Master Herbalist. She has served in various callings, including Young Women’s President, Counselor, Advisor, Relief Society Teacher, Counselor, Primary President, Chorister, Pianist,...
A shout out to the non-profit, Launching Leaders. Their mission is to help the new generations find fulfillment through applying proven principles and spirituality to their everyday lives. We will be sharing articles from them periodically in an effort to provide more...
Reg Christensen lives in the Midwest with his wife, Carol. They have seven children and sixteen grandchildren who live in seven states. They are both personally experienced in navigating the trial of divorce. As they do, they keep their eyes forward as they strive to...
The Savior assured His disciples, “where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20). As our meetings evolve and, in many cases, become virtual, it is increasingly important that we remember the why and...
A shout out to the non-profit, Launching Leaders. Their mission is to help the new generations find fulfillment through applying proven principles and spirituality to their everyday lives. We will be sharing articles from them periodically in an effort to provide more...
This book review, by Cory Shirts, is helpful if you find yourself stuck in your efforts to lead others, The book by Arbinger Institue, The Outward Mindset, explains how being stuck might look like fault finding, competition, feeling like you are working in a silo or...
Skye Fagrell is a Bishop, teacher, and the author of “More Fit 4 The Kingdom”. He received a bachelor’s in Visual Arts and a minor in Coaching & Teaching Physical Education from Brigham Young University and completed his master’s in Educational Leadership at...
A shout out to the non-profit, Launching Leaders. Their mission is to help the new generations find fulfillment through applying proven principles and spirituality to their everyday lives. We will be sharing articles from them periodically in an effort to provide more...
As we were reminded in a recent talk by Elder John A. McCune, of the Quorum of the Seventy, Lehi taught us a very important insight on how to best beckon loved ones to Father and His plan of happiness. Elder McCune explained that “our most deeply focused efforts...