Leading Saints started in 2010 when Kurt Francom had an idea. He had served as an elders quorum president, in a bishopric, and then as a high priest group leader, but he felt like he had not met his own expectations as a leader. In this podcast, Kurt shares his journey founding the platform that has grown into a 501c(3) nonprofit organization sharing leadership principles to support lay leaders in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He also shares seven misconceptions that members have about church leadership, learned over the course of those ten years.


5:00 Kurt’s experiences that led up to starting what has become Leading Saints, and how it went from there to what it is now

  • 10:20 Blogging at LeadingLDS
  • 14:50 Started podcasting in 2014, founded the nonprofit in 2016

16:50 Frequently asked questions

  • Memorable moments or bloopers: Mack Wilberg episode that didn’t happen, emails from random leaders who have benefitted from what we are doing
  • 20:00 Favorite episode: interview with his second counselor, Heath
  • 21:40 Has the Church ever approached you about leadership training? It’s not in the mission of the Church to produce more effective leaders, but there is a place for third-party organizations like Leading Saints to support the members and the mission
  • 28:00 Where do you see Leading Saints in ten years? Producing an annual conference

30:30 Seven misconceptions members have about Church leadership

  1. 31:40 Misconception 1: Revelation comes through feelings
  2. 37:40 Misconception 2: Scriptures and handbooks are all we need to lead
  3. 40:45 Misconception 3: Meetings lead to progress
  4. 47:25 Misconception 4: Your ward wants solutions, not problems
  5. 50:30 Misconception 5: Leaders are spiritual parole officers
  6. 53:05 Misconception 6: Leaders receive promptings of their call before they are called
  7. 1:00:00 Misconception 7: Your authority, calling, or title allows you to lead

1:05:45 The final question: How has being a leader made you a better disciple of Jesus Christ?


7 Self-Sabotaging Habits of Latter-day Saint Lay Leaders (and What to Do About Them) What I Learned About Leadership When My 2nd Counselor Left the Church Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, by Daniel Pink 7 Unbreakable Rules of Church Meetings Articulating Problems Will Motivate Solutions | “Come Down” And Lead Pride and the Priesthood, by Dieter F. Uchtdorf lifestar.leadingsaints.org Become a Core Leader

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