In the temple, we covenant to the Law of Consecration, which means dedicating our time, talents, and everything with which the Lord has blessed us to building up Jesus Christ’s church on the earth.
What does this look like in real life?
Is it just the time we give to church callings?
Is it the talents we offer to the ward whenever they ask for them?
Do we give everything in theory and then wait around until the church is desperate for our everything?
Does our religious culture get in the way of us living this because we only feel empowered to give our time, talents, etc. when we are given a calling to do so?
If someone was blessed with the talent of teaching, should they request to be a teacher in their ward?
If someone has the time and talent to mentor youth, should they volunteer during youth activities even though they are not called to do so?
Our temple doctrine is more dynamic and inspiring than any other religious tenet; however, most members don’t know what to do with it at times.
Or, as I have said before, culture eats doctrine for breakfast, and the cultural pressures to stay in your box until you are called are so strong that members fail to live up to this covenant/doctrine.
Or societal pressures to stay busy and hyper-focused on our career can cause us to have nothing left to consecrate at the end of the day or even at the end of a career (if it ever does end).
I am finding in my own personal journey of being under covenant to consecrate my time, talents, etc. that a lot of resistance arises when I attempt to do so.
Suddenly, many interpret my intention to move forward with my covenantal agreement as stepping out of line or outside of authority.
I say there is a lot we can do differently as a culture to highlight this covenant in our personal lives.
However, it seems like we are attending temple sessions and making covenants but mortality, culture, and modern-day life get in the way of us figuring out how to carry out these covenants that we make.
How do you interpret this covenant?
Has the Lord given us this covenant but culture has left us all confused with how to carry it out?
What role do priesthood keys play in facilitating or inspiring individuals to keep this covenant?
Kurt Francom
Executive Director
Leading Saints
P.S. This is an older newsletter message. Get the up-to-date message weekly by subscribing for free HERE. Discuss this message with the Leading Saints community HERE.
This! This is so relatable!
Culture eats doctrine for breakfast, yes!
Cultural pressure to stay in your box until called, yes!
Many interpret my intention to move forward with my covenantal agreement as stepping out of line or outside of authority, yes!
This is exactly how it feels to many women in this church.
Come join the conversation on Instagram and facebook. Sunday the Relief Society broadcast told us that the church gives more power and authority to women than any other religious organization. And there are 13,000 people commenting on the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Instagram saying we don’t feel that at church.
Your comments capture it so well… and perhaps helps lead the discussion to be less of a women vs men problem but a culture/hierarchy problem.