Steve Donegan is a retired U.S. Army warrant officer. He joined the Army and made this prophetic statement during his initial training: The Army will either make me an alcoholic or a Christian. Luckily, he chose the latter and joined the Church of Jesus Christ of...
Sara Talbert lives in Mesa, AZ and is currently the Relief Society President in her ward. She has been married for 17 years and has 3 boys who are 12, 8, and the surprise 14-month-old. Her parents converted in her teen years, so Sara and her two brothers grew up in...
Many of us have experienced the impact of moving into a new ward or branch. It is often bittersweet leaving our previous congregation, especially if it was one where we felt loved, needed, and understood. If it was a ward we had lived in a long time, or one that was...
I recently listened to a podcast that was artfully guided by Kurt Francom while receiving inspiring information from Jason Noel. The podcast was Love, Share, Invite Isn’t Just a Missionary Effort. While I was listening, my spiritual head exploded! Have you ever...
We are at a wonderful time in the dispensation of the fullness of time, there are temples dotting the earth, access to learning through the Come Follow Me course of study and many other resources, opportunities to serve on so many levels and the ability to become our...