Originally from West Valley City, UT, Mike Brady currently resides in Chubbuck, ID, adjacent to where his amazing wife Chelsie grew up. Together they have five children and have heard every “Brady Bunch” joke in the book. Among other callings, Mike served as a...
Jake Carlson is an attorney at LifePlan Legal, an author, and host of the Modern Leadership podcast. He earned his law degree (JD) from California Western School of Law concurrently with a business degree (MBA) from San Diego State University and holds a bachelor’s...
Rachel Leavitt is a nurse, doula, educator, wife, and mother. She has two children who are now adults, with whom she has walked side by side with as they struggled with addictions, emotional trials, and explorations of faith. She currently has two teens still at home,...
Daniel Duckworth is a leadership professional. He works primarily as a transformational teacher to transform the leadership performance of executives and managers. He also works as a transformational consultant to facilitate strategic execution of major change...
You are a Bishop, and a 17-year-old in your ward discloses to you that he has been smoking marijuana You are a ministering brother that has just been given a “special assignment” to help someone on welfare ween off welfare You are a Sunday School President that wants...