Sean Lesko lives in Clarksville, Tennessee, with his wife, Jamie, and their three amazing teenage children. He has served in various church callings including Sunbeam teacher, Sunday School teacher, and elders quorum president, and he currently serves as a bishop. He...
Jason T. Rogers has been a member of The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for over 30 years. He served a full-time mission in Minnesota and has served in various callings from greeter, primary teacher, and clerk. In 2014-2015 Jason backpacked around the...
Let’s continue exploring the one big leadership question… How do I motivate people? Here I will discuss the third of four dichotomies when it comes to motivating others. Authority vs. Relationships Obedience vs. Autonomy Your Agenda vs. Their Agenda Shame vs. Buy-in/...
Reg Christensen lives in the Midwest with his wife, Carol. They have seven children and seventeen grandchildren. Reg has fulfilled a variety of callings in the Church and he and Carol have been blessed with many service opportunities as Pathway missionaries and...
Dack Van Orden was born and raised in Idaho Falls, ID. He currently lives in the Houston, Texas area where he and his wife are the parents of three daughters and one bonus daughter. He has served in a variety of callings within the Church, most of which have been in...