As Church leaders, we often encounter members who are wrestling with life’s challenges, trying to align their lives with gospel teachings but finding the road daunting. These moments can test the boundaries between our desire to lead with love and the duty to uphold...
Caren McLane has a bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Public Health from Brigham Young University. She met her husband, Todd, in her freshman year while at BYU and they’ve been married over 30 years. Their five kids are all grown and she spends her time...
Jeff Borders joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at the age of 19, and since then has had many opportunities to serve in various capacities. His wife, Crystyne, was integral to his conversion while they were dating, and he believes her to be one of...
Jason T. Rogers has been a member of The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for over 30 years. He served a full-time mission in Minnesota and has served in various callings from greeter, primary teacher, and clerk. In 2014-2015 Jason backpacked around the...
Caren McLane has a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Community Health Education from BYU. She met her husband, Todd, in her freshman year while at BYU. They are the parents of 5 children and live on a 4-acre “hobby farm” with chickens, cows, and dogs. She volunteers...