In my stake we have a wonderful Spanish ward. I love visiting this ward as a member of the stake presidency because it brings back such treasured memories from my time serving in the California Sacramento mission, Spanish speaking. I’m not as confident with my Spanish as I was when I was a young missionary but I do my best to connect with these members in their native language.

However, when it comes to conducting stake business in the Spanish ward, I can never remember the right words. Maybe there are some native English speakers that serve in stake presidencies or high councils that can relate to the pressure of reading callings over the lectern and praying for the right words to come out. Or, as a stake representative, you don’t know Spanish but still would like to do your duty of reading names over the lectern during sacrament meeting.

Here is a quick reference guide to help you say the right words:

Releasing With a Vote of Thanks

Se propone que relevemos al Hermano/Hermana (Full Name) del LLamamiento de  (Calling/Responsibility) en el cual ha venido sirviendo fielmente. Todos los que deseen expresarle su agradecimiento, sírvanse manifestarlo levantando la mano derecha ….Gracias Hermanos.

Requesting Sustaining Vote

Se propone que sostengamos al Hermano/Hermana (Full Name) para servir como (Calling/Responsibility) del (Name of Organization). Todos aquellos que estén a favor pueden manifestarlo con la señal conocida… Los que estén en contra, si los hay, pueden manifestarlo también…. Muchas Gracias Hermanos.

Setting Apart an Individual in Spanish

Hermano/Hermana, En el nombre de Jesucristo y por la Autoridad del Sacerdocio de Melquisedec, te aparto como (Calling) del (Organization) de la (Name of Stake) de la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días. (Give Inspired Blessing) … y todo esto te lo digo en el nombre de Jesucristo, Amen.

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