There is a cultural norm in Church leadership that the white shirt is part of the uniform. No exceptions! Because of this I have found myself scrubbing my white shirt collar more often than I have time for. Shirt collars get dirty even after one wear and it doesn’t seem to come out clean with one wash. I’ve researched various methods of products to use to scrub a dirty collar but I never get it back to brand new white.

I was grateful to come across a shirt developed by a missionary dad that was tired of the same problems. Plus, he wanted to develop the perfect white shirt for the thousands of missionaries that wear white shirts on a daily basis. Through focus groups and common sense the Black Collar Shirt was born!

Troy (the missionary dad) was kind enough to send me a shirt to test drive. I’ve loved it! The fit is exactly what I like, the material isn’t heavy, the spread collar is slick, and most of all the collar never get dirty (well… at least not that I can see).

To try out a Black Collar Shirt visit their website and use promo code KF20 and receive 20% off your first order.


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