Dave Runyon served as a pastor for nine years in the Denver area. In 2010 he launched a neighboring movement that mobilized over 70 churches and 40,000 people in the area, and then turned his experience into a book, The Art of Neighboring. Today he helps government, business, and faith leaders unite around common causes and helps businesses that have a desire to make a difference in their communities. Dave and his wife, Lauren, have four kids.


6:45 Introduction:

  • Dave’s background
  • His experiences with members of the Church
  • His own church experiences

10:50 Service as a pastor and creating the neighboring movement

19:00 The block map quiz

  • An activity to test yourself and work on
  • The key to the neighboring movement

22:20 Having mildly awkward conversations 29:15 What neighboring is not; we do this not to convert, but because we are converted 32:40 Tactics to minister instead of treating relationships as a program 36:30 Reducing the anxiety in the relationship by bringing up the difficult questions 38:00 Embracing getting out of your bubble with people who are different 46:20 Where to start: putting neighboring into action 48:00 Learning to move through anxiety in relationships as a leader


Building Bridges Before Baptisms | How I Lead as Stake Public Affairs Specialist The Art of Ministering Through Neighboring | Facebook Live with Andrew Stewart The Art of Neighboring ArtofNeighboring.com Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community

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