You’ll probably recognize Kyle Morey from a How I Lead interview I did with him about his experience being the public affairs specialist in his stake. Kyle had some remarkable ideas about using technology to spread the gospel and mentioned an in depth article series he wrote that goes into detail about his strategies.

I encourage you to spend some time reading the four part series (see links below) or listen to the attached podcast episode and hear it from Kyle himself; definitely an episode to share with your ward mission leader and public affairs specialist.

You may want to continue following Kyle’s family’s adventures as they jump around the country.

Kyle Morey’s four part series of inviting others to Christ through your digital device

Part 1: Invite others to host the missionaries for dinner and a discussion

Part 2: How to bump opinion leaders into the gospel through chapel tours

Part 3: Will you help me with my talk?

Part 4: Involve the youth in missionary with social media

How do we help leaders

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