At this time of year, many ward clerks are busy in their offices preparing ward sign-up lists for tithing declaration.

They carefully tape these lists to the bishop’s office door, sometimes even attaching a pen on a string to make it easier for ward members to sign up.

In the weeks that follow, a member of the bishopric often pleads from the pulpit, urging everyone to sign up.

This is tradition… but does it work?

I remember these days as a bishop.

However, if I were to serve as bishop again, I would approach it differently and save everyone a considerable amount of time.

Here’s what I would do:

Ditch the sign-up sheet and assign every household a time.

That’s right!

Simply tell them when they’re expected to show up.

If they have a conflict, invite them to contact another ward member and make a trade.

Most bishoprics will find that most families are generally available.

The challenge isn’t so much showing up as it is getting signed up.

So give it a try:

  1. Assign everyone a time for tithing declaration
  2. Send an email blast notifying the ward
  3. Post the assignments on the bishop’s office door if you want to maintain tradition

You’ll likely find that the vast majority will show up.

Let’s gather more of these tithing declaration ideas.

What strategies has your bishopric tried to get tithing declared?

See other ideas for tithing declaration HERE.


Kurt Francom
Executive Director
Leading Saints

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