Gary Miller hosts the Hope in Him Today podcast, where he teaches and shares conversations about faith, life, and Jesus. Gary is a former preacher/pastor, served in the military, and studied at Liberty Theological Seminary and Graduate School. He works in sales and marketing.

Read the TRANSCRIPT of this podcast
Follow-up 2025 interview with Gary: The Temple is a Jesus Place | An Interview with Gary Miller


05:00 Gary’s pathway to conversion from a Baptist preacher to a Latter-day Saint
08:10 Always interested in hearing things out
14:25 Discovering additional scripture in the Book of Mormon: the Gospel in hi-def 4k
18:25 Facing down and wrestling with the cultural change and his own identity
28:07 God’s pathways can appear impossible
32:00 From the full court press to post-baptism follow up: what does this person bring? Are we truly connecting with the person in the pew?
40:40 How do you bring people together outside of the confines of Sunday morning?
47:00 Connecting to people through ministering
52:30 How do we engage better as ministers? Fight for the feedback 56:15 Finding informal ways to connect and you will eventually be able to have the important conversations that otherwise would not happen
1:01:00 The process of becoming a Baptist minister
1:03:30 What happens when someone takes interest in leading, and how this compares
1:07:00 Paul to the Corinthians: different gifts
1:12:00 A desire to lead is the reason to create opportunities to minister and have an impact
1:15:25 If you feel you don’t have influence, what can you do?
1:19:10 How can we reconcile the discomfort of accepting the grace built into the plan of salvation?
1:21:30 When we are operating in grace, we can start working to become like Jesus, and we can extend that grace to others
1:24:20 How do you lead from the standpoint of grace?
1:28:50 Part of leadership is setting the example, which drives us to get closer to Christ

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