Mark Matheson is a visiting professor of business at “the BYU of the East Coast”, Southern Virginia University. Matheson received a doctorate in organizational leadership from the University of Phoenix, a master’s degree in business administration from Harvard University and a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from the University of Utah. In 2010, Matheson was an Entrepreneur in Residence at The Willes Center for International Entrepreneurship at BYU-Hawaii. He worked for 25 years as a stock market analyst. He grew up in Utah, lived in seven different states during his childhood, and served his mission in Switzerland and France. He has an instagram page, @scriptureanalyst, that makes you see scriptures in a different way.


8:30 Southern Virginia University mission statement- create leader servants 11:00 Being a proactive leader, not just serving the squeaky wheel 13:00 Using ideas of others not just the bishop 14:25 Return and report- how to hold people accountable 16:30 Being an effective servant leader- removing obstacles and providing resources 17:45 3 T’s- Time, Tools, Training 18:40 “People don’t know how much you know until they know how much you care” 21:00 Leadership by walking around 21:45 Two to-do lists 23:30 Less time being reactive and more time being proactive 24:45 Good interactive prayers 25:45 Book: It’s Your Ship, by D. Michael Abrashoff “Being the best darn ward in the stake” 29:00 Am I doing good for someone else today? 31:00 Example of Sunday school teacher going the extra mile 34:00 Balance between humble and meek 35:40 Accountability in church callings 37:00 Stephen R. Covey- emotional bank accounts- put deposits in followers’ bank accounts 40:00 A good leader takes more blame than credit 43:00 Giving permission for those you lead to be creative in their callings 46:00 Making church procedures better by doing them differently


Instagram: Scripture Analyst Book: It’s Your Ship, by D. Michael Abrashoff

How do we help leaders

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