Remember back in 2018 when we used to attend church for three hours?

We were practically pioneers.

During that time, elders quorum and Relief Society met weekly.

We were introduced to the concept of having a council meeting on the first Sunday of each month during the third hour, which was expected to last the full 50 minutes.

Well, council meetings are back!

Recently, the Church announced an update: council meetings will now take place every time elders quorum or Relief Society meets.

Fortunately, these council sessions are now only 5 to 10 minutes long.

I have a lot to share about this, but let’s start by taking a trip back to early 2018.

At that time, a younger Kurt Francom, who led an organization called LeadingLDS, shared six tips for effective council meetings.

Do these tips still apply today? Let’s find out.

6 Tips for 3rd Hour Council Meetings

For your reference, here are the six tips:

  1. Avoid lessons, videos, quotes, talks, or books
  2. Set clear rules and expectations
  3. Develop a clear vision statement
  4. Pay attention to the room setup
  5. Send topics ahead of time
  6. Encourage debate

As we work together to step into the world of council meetings again, what additional tips or tricks would you suggest adding to this list?

Add to the conversation and read what others think HERE.

Kurt Francom
Executive Director
Leading Saints

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