When You Resent Those You Lead

When You Resent Those You Lead

When I served as bishop of a transient ward, I had the privilege of working with many Relief Society presidents. Each one brought a heart full of love and excitement to their new role, eager to make a difference. However, the demands of our inner-city ward quickly...
When the Leader Tries to Motivate YOU

When the Leader Tries to Motivate YOU

Last week I finished up a series about the four main dichotomies of motivation. Authority vs. Relationships Obedience vs. Autonomy Your Agenda vs. Their Agenda Shame vs. Buy-in To be honest, for a topic like motivation I hear leaders struggle with the most, my series...
SHAME Motivates!

SHAME Motivates!

Let’s continue exploring the one big leadership question… How do I motivate people? Here I will discuss the fourth of four dichotomies when it comes to motivating others. Authority vs. Relationships Obedience vs. Autonomy Your Agenda vs. Their Agenda Shame vs. Buy-in...
The Silent Agenda War

The Silent Agenda War

Let’s continue exploring the one big leadership question… How do I motivate people? Here I will discuss the third of four dichotomies when it comes to motivating others. Authority vs. Relationships Obedience vs. Autonomy Your Agenda vs. Their Agenda Shame vs. Buy-in/...
God lets us drive

God lets us drive

Let’s continue exploring the one big leadership question… How do I motivate people? Here I will discuss the second of four dichotomies when it comes to motivating others. Authority vs. Relationships Obedience vs. Autonomy Your Agenda vs. Their Agenda Shame vs. Buy-in...
Visit Another Church

Visit Another Church

The last two messages (this one and this one) have both been about my church marathon experience where I visited 3 Protestant churches on one Sunday. I’d like to share one final lesson from that experience. It is simply this… Latter-day Saints and Protestants should...

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