It’s a Podcast Review Telethon!

It’s a Podcast Review Telethon!

It’s almost the end of 2024, and we need a favor or two at Leading Saints. In this month of giving and service, here are a few things we need your help with. Can you take a moment to leave a podcast review for Leading Saints on your favorite podcasting app? Here are...
“I wish my bishop knew…”

“I wish my bishop knew…”

The Church invited me to host a Leading Saints booth at the 2024 Together in Christ YSA Conference. For two days I engaged with a vibrant group of young single adults, trying to be the cool guy. 😎 To encourage interaction at our Leading Saints booth, I purchased a...
Why do People Attend Church?

Why do People Attend Church?

A recent newsletter message sparked a fantastic discussion within the Leading Saints community, and I truly appreciate what I learn from this group. It got me thinking… People seem to perceive the purpose of attending church differently. More accurately, individuals...
Blinded by Empathy

Blinded by Empathy

I recently read a fascinating book that challenges the way many of us think as leaders. It’s called Against Empathy: The Case for Rational Compassion. The book argues that empathy can lead to biased, irrational, and even harmful decision-making, advocating...

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