The Two Most Overlooked Words in Scripture

The Two Most Overlooked Words in Scripture

Steve Donegan is a retired U.S. Army warrant officer.  He joined the Army and made this prophetic statement during his initial training: “The Army will either make me an alcoholic or a Christian.”  Luckily, he chose the latter.  His Army career took him...
Minimizing Trauma When Those We Love Question their Latter-day Saint Faith

Minimizing Trauma When Those We Love Question their Latter-day Saint Faith

Mark Matheson is a visiting professor of business at “the BYU of the East Coast”, Southern Virginia University. Matheson received a doctorate in organizational leadership from the University of Phoenix, a master’s degree in business administration from Harvard...
Motivation & Building Teams in Latter-day Saint Councils | Guest Post by Blake Dalton

Motivation & Building Teams in Latter-day Saint Councils | Guest Post by Blake Dalton

Blake Dalton is a full-time teacher from West Valley City, Utah. He served a full-time mission in Eugene, Oregon. He has served as an elder’s quorum president, a high councilman, executive secretary, and currently serves as the bishop of his ward.

Also be sure to listen to Blake’s How I Lead interview.

Enter Brigham…

Becoming a Change Agent in the Lives of Those You Lead: What Every Leader Needs to Understand About Influence

Becoming a Change Agent in the Lives of Those You Lead: What Every Leader Needs to Understand About Influence

You are a Bishop, and a 17-year-old in your ward discloses to you that he has been smoking marijuana You are a ministering brother that has just been given a “special assignment” to help someone on welfare ween off welfare You are a Sunday School President that wants...
Helping Those With Broken Bows

Helping Those With Broken Bows

While serving as a Relief Society president in Texas, there were many opportunities to visit members who did not come to church consistently.  One day I was pondering on how to best minister to the sister I was going to visit and a very clear and profound insight came...
Are You Willing to Re-Gather Precious Souls?

Are You Willing to Re-Gather Precious Souls?

Aleisha Petersen has been married 14 years and is a mom to 4 young kids. Life took her family on an adventure through BYU-Idaho, NYC for grad school, Oklahoma for a residency, and Alaska for Military Service (she being the lucky passenger). They now reside in Colorado...
Mourning With Those Who Mourn: A Sacred Opportunity

Mourning With Those Who Mourn: A Sacred Opportunity

Jeff Borders joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at the age of 19 and has had many opportunities to serve in leadership roles including Ward Mission, Young Men’s, Elders Quorum and in the Bishopric. Jeff works as the Respiratory Therapy Manager at a...

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