Growing Through Our Leadership Callings – The Good, the Bad and the Sacred

Growing Through Our Leadership Callings – The Good, the Bad and the Sacred

As we serve in the Church, our various callings often bring a mixed bag of joys, sorrows, wisdom, mistakes, and a plethora of opportunities to grow. Sometimes our release from a calling is welcome and a much-needed relief, other times it may seem untimely and...

The Ministering of Angels

The Ministering of Angels

Reg Christensen lives in the Midwest with his wife, Carol. They have seven children and seventeen grandchildren. Reg has fulfilled a variety of callings in the Church and he and Carol have been blessed with many service opportunities as Pathway missionaries and...

Why do People Attend Church?

Why do People Attend Church?

A recent newsletter message sparked a fantastic discussion within the Leading Saints community, and I truly appreciate what I learn from this group. It got me thinking… People seem to perceive the purpose of attending church differently. More accurately, individuals...


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