Are you succeeding as a leader?

Are you succeeding as a leader?

A bishop recently sent me the following question: How do you measure your success? I struggle trying to figure out if I am doing a good job. Even on my mission, we had numbers that we kept track and unfortunately, many missionaries based their overall feeling on...

The trap of trying to please everyone

The trap of trying to please everyone

Leadership roles can cause us to be more influenced to say YES, to as many things as possible, instead of saying NO. Mainly because as a leader we don’t want to disappoint anyone we lead. If we disappoint someone we lead they can be dissatisfied with us as a leader,...

We all know the bishop isn’t a therapist

We all know the bishop isn’t a therapist

You’ve probably heard this one before: “The bishop isn’t a therapist!” Typically, this is stated in a way that is somewhat critical of the spiritual counseling model we have in our faith tradition in relation to bishops or other leaders we see as having authority....


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